March Updates
Updated: May 10, 2022

March has been a busy month for new developments in resource management and operations, while invoices and item classifications saw a big revamp, alongside fixes to how the system interprets data. The ability to record which state the vehicle or equipment is registered in has been added. Along with the ability to track tyre servicing, similar to how you track vehicle services. New employees now only have their credentials generated when placed into an active setting, with the ability to now track when they've had their password reset. The way you set your item classification has changed with the removal of "Requirements-based" and replaced by the resource types "Stock", "Documents" and " Third Party". While creating invoices line items are now automatically generated and recalculated while in an unsaved form.
Passwords generated for new users based on Employment Status
When imputing employee data, Traffio no longer generates login credentials for new users when their profile is just created. They’re now generated and sent to the employee based on their employment status. By default, new users are created in Traffio with the employment status “Candidate”. Once an employee’s status has been set to an active employment status such as; ‘Recruited’, ‘Onboarding’, ‘probation’ or ‘active’ they’re considered employed. Only then are their Traffio login credentials will then be generated and sent to them through their preferred contact method specified in their employee overview.

For further insight, the 'History' tab in a Person's profile will now also include entries for when their initial password is generated and sent out, and also for whenever their password is reset.

Public holidays
Public holidays that are automatically recognized in Traffio are now able to be viewed by Depots. These public holidays are state-specific and linked to what state you have your depot set in. These public holidays can be found when in My Company, then Depot. The individual depot menu now has a public tab so you can view these recognised state public holidays at any time. These holidays are added ahead of time so you’re able to see additional public holiday dates well ahead of time.
If there are any legislative changes in these states and the recognition of holidays is changed, please reach out to the Traffio support team so we can edit these where need be.
Call outs
Further development of the bookings board has seen the addition of the ability to flag a new booking as a call out. When this toggle is turned on The call out time is saved and pre-populates with the current time rather than having to set it for a time in the future. This auto-population is designed to be used for circumstances where billing/Payroll must start from the time of the call out. A call out filter has also been added for ease of visibility of these bookings.
At this time the functionality does not affect payroll or billing. This will be looked into in further developments.

Tyre Service
The ability to track tyre services has now been added to the vehicles section of Traffio. Similar to how vehicles services are tracked, tyres ODO is able to be updated from forms. A new column for tyre services has been added to the vehicles on the main page also so you can see at a glance when your tyres are due to be serviced.

Item classifications
The way you set up your item classifications in the system has changed. Previously resources like documents or stock had to be set to requirement-based. The concept of "Requirements-based" item classifications has been removed, as it was often overlooked or misconfigured.
Now the resource types "Documents", "Stock" or "Third Party" are now always charged based on how many were required on a booking, effectively making them "Requirements-based".
Resources that were configured as "Equipment" but had item classifications that were "Requirements-based" have been converted to "Stock" resources so they still bill the same way.

Rate schedules
We’ve improved rate schedules to now allow you to choose whether crew ordinary hours should begin calculating at the start of the shift (even if crews are incomplete) or from the moment the crew is complete. (The default - this is how it has always worked and will not change with this update).

We’ve also added descriptions to help you understand how to apply your cutover thresholds, as it was at time misunderstood.

Creating new invoices
We’ve also made changes to how you generate your invoice information. It is no longer necessary to press "Insert generated line items" when creating a new invoice. Instead, they are now inserted automatically.
Line items are automatically recalculated when you make changes to the rate schedule, booking, dockets or invoice cost centre while working on an unsaved invoice. If you changed line items beforehand, you will be asked whether you would like them (all) to be updated.
The shift visualisation has been moved to be directly above the line items, in preparation for a future update that will allow you to create an invoice for multiple bookings at once.
To improve our ability to address invoice issues, we have now added a "Report a miscalculation" button has been added to the "New invoice" screen. This will send us a direct link of your invoice and the miscalculation that has appeared and we will be able to assist you faster and more efficiently.
Invoice calculation fixes
We have reworked how our invoices calculated certain crew changes and allowances from the rate schedule.
Crew charges now devolve to a smaller crew if a booking is understaffed.
Crew charges now devolve to smaller crews during periods of mixed breaks and mixed penalty rates (due to a crew member starting significantly later than the rest).
When a crew devolves to a single worker and you do not have a rate for the single worker on your rate schedule, the crew is now devolved to a 1-person crew to avoid "No rate on schedule" line items.
Crew billing: if a vehicle was not allocated a driver, the system will now take the break time of the worker it decided could be the driver.
The "Does not require Meal allowance" and "Does not require Travel allowance" toggles in a resource are now honoured when the resource is part of a crew.
Items on rate schedules that are billed "Per item" do not have minimum hours, but will now follow the minimum hours of other resources on the booking.
Fixed an issue where "O/T 1.5" charges could appear on line items as "All overtime" due to a bug when cloning rate schedules.
Fixed an issue where vehicles weren't always paired with their driver during crew billing.
Fixed a quantity rounding error that could occur on generated line items.
Invoice export
Job numbers have been added as an invoice export option
The billable bookings export now contains a column for booking notes
Other Updates
Bookings board
Bookings on the booking board now display the day of the week that the booking starts on. It will also display in front of the end date if that falls on a different day.
An optional "Planner" contact has been added to bookings.
Added ability to filter by a person's employment type on the 'People' and 'Leave' screens.
State Registration of vehicles and equipment
Vehicles and equipment can now record which state they are registered in. They may also be filtered by state.
The 'Equipment hours by day' and 'Vehicle hours by day' reports now return result rows for all equipment/vehicles even if they were not used on jobs within the reporting period. This normalises the percentage results (when using 'Target hours') across the fleet.
Added 'Total Vehicles' column to the 'Work Down per Job' report.
New required skills filter
You can now filter depots, clients, or projects by the skills that are required.
Depots, clients, and projects now all include a column of skill names that are required, and this is also included in the CSV export
Additional menu items have been put inside each skill so you can see a list of depots, or clients, or projects that require the skill
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that broke the rack type drop down field on a vehicle detail screen.
Fixed an issue where the new customer, depot and client skills did not always show up on resources allocated to jobs. – Bookings board
Fixed an issue that caused dropdowns to not load when creating a new client.
Fixed automatically generated mobilisation charges not being linked to their rate on the rate schedule, which could affect exporting to accounting packages.
Fixed issue in which shift records were not being re-added to a pay run if a person was previously on a job, then removed, and then re-added again.
Fixed an issue where the equipment and vehicle lists could not load if records were imported from CSV with invalid dates.
Fixed payroll 'Vehicle type allowance' incorrectly entitling people when they were not the driver of the specified vehicle type but the vehicle type was present on the job.
We have fixed inconsistent booking addresses that were being shown in tables and various reports. Bookings had multiple address fields, one being a hidden field with Google's autocompleting address in it. That address was prioritised over the address that is directly visible on the booking. The hidden address has been removed.
Fixed a bug in the 'Person Booking Totals' report which returned incorrectly cached results.
Fixed a bug in 'Skill Matrix' report which prevented any results from being returned.
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