July Updates

In July we've added several new features and further functionality in areas like Mobile works, reporting and HR documents. This is part of Traffio mission to allow for more accuracy and efficiency in how our users operate. Mobile works in the app and on the web app now allow for Google Map pins to be dropped to accurate pin worksites. Further export columns have been added to a number of reports so you can export relevant job and skill information together. HR access level documents have been included in employees' profiles. Hence, you’re able to store sensitive information against employees with only people given that access level being able to sight them. Private internal notes are now exporting into your pay run, allowing you to leave notes internally for changes that may potentially need to be made further down the track in payroll.
Mobile Worksites
Mobile works have had improved functionality within the App and Web app. Mobile worksites added from the app can now be pre-populated by the app pinning your location at the time of entry. This ability is configurable and needs to be turned on in the Traffio configurations. These are found by going to the admin section of Traffio, then ‘Traffio Config’ and the configuration is ‘Guess roving site address’. This ability allows you to get more precise locations and allows you to also track any mobile site travel distance with more accuracy.

On the Web app, the ability to correct the exact location of a mobile worksite has been introduced. This allows the office to change any errors or give your workers and the clients more accurate job locations. Office staff can add these pins by selecting the location icon in the address section of mobile works. This opens up and pop up that allows you to with more accuracy add or change the addresses on the booking.

New export fields and filters have been added to a number to a number of reports to better help you create bespoke export templates for your reports that suit your business's needs. Within the ‘Vehicle Maintenance' export, you're now able to filter your results by Depot as well as your export now including the Depot Name and not just the Depot ID as is had previously. ‘Skill Matrix’ reports now have the option to add the export of your employee's Mobile numbers, Dates of birth and driver's license status along with their skills data. These fields have also been included in the 'Person Skill' export field options.

HR Documents
HR access and permissions is a recent area of development in Traffio that gives you further mechanisms to help you manage your workforce's sensitive and important information. This has expanded with the addition of HR permission-accessible documents that you're able to store in your employees' profiles. These documents are only available to view or upload by people who have this access allowing sensitive information to only be seen by the people who you choose. This access by default is disabled and requires users of Manager level access to enable this feature for other users. To enable this feature for your HR team you first select Admin > Access Levels > HR Permissions > Person HR files Access.

Payrun Export Notes
Private internal notes that are added to work dockets are now included in the full Payrun exports. Previously only the public notes that are also viewable by the client were exported. This allows schedulers and office staff to add internal notes about that particular docket that would be relevant to the Payroll Team. This ability allows teams to be able to communicate changes that have been made or that need to be changed efficiently, reducing the instants of human error if your dockets go through a number of different areas.

Works Dockets
Added the person's default specialisation abbreviation beside their name in the works docket email template.
Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug that displayed a validation error after creating a new record via a dropdown menu.
Fixed regression in the 'Person Hours by Client' report which resulted in incorrect hours being calculated.
Fixed an issue where breaks would not be deducted from equipment that was not specifically allocated to a vehicle but is part of an item classification that does include a vehicle.
Fixed an issue that prevented the password from being generated when a new person was created via the Third Party API from integrations like Staffd.
Fixed an issue where depot times were not always picked up from the docket unless they were on the first docket of the booking.
Fixed an issue where lengthy invoices scroll to the bottom immediately after being merged.
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