April Updates
Updated: Jun 2, 2022

April has been a huge month for updates in Traffio. The user interface has seen a refresh with a new filter bar to help declutter and standardise the filter function throughout. Rate schedules are now less laborious, Linked Clients/Projects are now automatically updated to using the most active revision, no more endless clicking and non missed. Further filtering options have been added to the SMS functionality within Traffio, this is to help reduce the number of unnecessary messages being sent out to employees saving your company on SMS chargers. Social Inclusions/Gender has now been added, this new development helps you set and keep track of your project’s social inclusion targets. New options in how you pay Travel Allowances have been included to cater better for allowances by distance or travel time.
Filter Bar Revamp
Due to the increasing number of filter options and the inconsistency of the filter bar throughout different areas, a new consistency filter bar has been introduced. The aim of this minimizing filter bar is to declutter the page while only seeing the filters that are active at the time. Selecting the 'More' button opens up the plethora of filter options that are relevant for that section of Traffio. This more standardised filter bar has been introduced in The Bookings archive, Bookings list, Bookings Map, Invoices, Credit notes, Vehicles, Clients, and People.

With the filter history button, you're able to quickly apply filters that you had previously activated within that section of Traffio.

Social Inclusion
Gender/Pronouns and Social Inclusion have now been added into Traffio. This new feature allows you to assign employees their preferred Gender/Pronouns in their profiles, while also having the ability to tag any Social Inclusions that relate. These social inclusions can be grouped together and applied to projects and goals set. This representation allows for greater tracking and accountability when meeting social inclusion and diversity goals.

SMS Filters
To cut down costs associated with messaging employees out of Traffio, new filtering options have been added to the messaging section. These filters allow you to select between multiple categories such as TC, TL, Gender, First aiders, employees who can drive and skill that you have allocated to people in your portal. You may even choose to filter between employment types and statuses. This has been done to ensure you're not spamming or sending any unnecessary messages

By default office staff and subcontractors are now excluded from ad-hock SMS messages. With the addition of a history button, you're now able to quickly change between recent settings and filters.
Rate Schedules
Due to the commonality of rate schedules to be applied to multiple clients and/or Projects, this rate schedule update aims to take the endless clicking out of creating new revisions of your schedule. Previously when a new revision of your rate schedule was created, you would have to go through to every client and project to update their profile to the new revision. Now when you link a rate schedule to a client/project and that rate schedule has a new revision created it will be automatically updated. Along with this change, rate schedules now have a proper revision section similar to forms where the general settings and allocated clients/projects remain available in the overview tab, but the rates are located within the revisions section.

New revisions can be created from existing revisions by clicking the "New revision" button. You will then be asked whether to create a direct copy, or a copy with a percentage adjustment across all of the rates.

You're now also able to see when the rate card was last edited and how many clients/projects are linked to a specific rate card within the list of rate schedules.

Travel Allowances
New Additions to Payroll allowances have been introduced. These new allowances allow you to set up your payroll cost centre for the bespoke way you may pay your employee's travel allowances.
Travel Time options
Within 'Travel Time Options' the new field of 'Travel Time Source' has been included. This allows you to choose where the source of travel time is determined from the following options- Docket: where travel time is determined by “Travel” value entered in a person's docket. Calculated: Travel time is calculated using google’s mapping features of the most direct route. Dynamic by STS: 'Calculated' travel time is used for people marked as 'straight to site' and then 'Docket' travel time is used for all others (ie: starting work at the depot)

An 'Include mobile site travel time' toggle has been added to travel time options. When this is toggled on the time taken to travel between multiple mobile works sites is factored into the total travel time.

Travel Distance Allowances
If your company pays an allowance per travel distance, a ‘include mobile worksite distance’ toggle has been added into the travel distance allowance options. This toggle if on, the cumulative distance traveled between all mobile work sites will be included in an employee's travel distance.

A 'KM's per allowance unit' has also been included in the payroll section. This is applicable permitting the travel distance allowance to be paid in user-defined blocks of x kms, rather than single kilometers.

Permits now have a 'Valid 24-hours' option.
Permit file download links have been added to the "Req. Permits" tab in Bookings.
An optional "Planner" contact has been added to the booking
You may now filter the bookings board, the booking archive and billable bookings by State eg: Queensland, Tasmania, New Zealand
Fuel cards can now be reassigned after they have initially been created.
"Hire vehicle" filter added to vehicle table
Added 'Files Attached' column to the 'Person Skills' table view to provide visibility of any uploaded documents at a glance.
The question mark triangle on the bottom-right now opens the help centre widget.
The "Help" menu item in the main menu now opens the complete help centre in a new browser tab.
The Rate and Total columns on printable invoices have been widened, to avoid them wrapping across multiple lines. This helps PDF extraction software used by your clients accurately find the charges.
Added 'No meal allowance if entitled to LAFHA' toggle to the 'Meal Allowance' area which disentitles a person from their meal allowance if they are receiving LAFHA for the same shift.
Added 'Minimum hours' option to the 'Vehicle Type Allowance' when the allowance is paid per hour.
Added ability to optionally include the travel time into the calculated total hours in the 'Person Hours by Client' report. See the 'Travel time' option in the filter bar above the report.
Added ability to include the total number of each type of resource deployed on a job per depot in the 'All Jobs' report when exporting the data with an 'Export Template'. See the export column labelled 'resource_counts_by_depot'.
Added docket numbers to the 'Work Done per Job' report.
FastTrack tools and sync processes made compatible with v12
Xero integration
You can now link your company's Xero account to multiple cost centres.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where line items could not be deleted.
Fixed issue which prevented the export of bookings.
The preview of an "Information" form element now respects line breaks.
We have fixed inconsistent booking addresses that were being shown in tables and various reports. Bookings had multiple address fields, one being a hidden field with Google's autocomplete address in it. That address was prioritised over the address that is directly visible on the booking. The hidden address has been removed.
Invoice calculation fixes
Crew charges now devolve to a smaller crew if a booking is understaffed.
Crew charges now devolve to smaller crews during periods of mixed breaks and mixed penalty rates (due to a crew member starting significantly later than the rest).
When a crew devolves to a single worker and you do not have a rate for the single worker on your rate schedule, it will now use a 1 person crew rate if you have one. This avoids most "No rate on schedule" line items that used to be generated.
Crew billing: if a vehicle was not allocated a driver, the system will now take the break time of the worker it chose as the driver.
The "Does not require Meal allowance" and "Does not require Travel allowance" toggles in a resource are now honoured when the resource is part of a crew.
Items on rate schedules that are billed "Per item" do not have minimum hours, but will now follow the minimum hours of other resources on the booking.
Fixed an issue where "O/T 1.5" charges could appear on line items as "All overtime" due to a bug when cloning rate schedules.
Daylight savings are now correctly observed again.
Fixed a bug where night shift would not always switch over to weekend rates.
Ensured empty invoices always have at least one line item.
Fixed a miscalculation where daily charged items could be charged for 2 days if they were used across midnight and inherited a break from their vehicle on the second date.
Invoices will now correctly calculate for understaffed bookings with multiple differently-sized crews that are not on the rate schedule.
Payroll fix
Fixed issue that caused merged shifts to drop their values. Bug was introduced in previous update
Fixed an issue with minimum hours on invoices. If you had multiple items on the invoice with varying amounts of minimum hours on the rate schedule, it would only honour one of them.
Fixed an issue where invoices would not become immediately editable again after reverting them from Finalised to Draft.
Fixed an issue with minimum charges that would prevent an invoice from generating.
Fixed an issue on docket print views where the "Total" column did not factor in changes in daylight savings when calculating the amount of hours.
A four hour minimum will now take daylight savings effects into account when being calculated.
Invoice fixes
The total amount of Site Allowance charged is now based on how much of the workers' time was charged. Previously it would always remove breaks from the total, even if breaks were charged.
Fixed an issue that prevented an invoice from being generated on bookings where a multi-worker crew was never "complete", i.e. a 3x TC Crew where only 2 people ever worked at the same time.
Fixed an issue where calculated site allowances could include break times if "Display original shift end times on line items when deducting breaks" was turned on in the cost centre.
Fixed an issue with minimum hours on equipment at the invoicing stage.
Staffd integration : bugfix
Newly uploaded employees from Staffd would always default to a "candidate" if an avatar image was also uploaded. Uploaded employees will now have the status that is specified
Social inclusions, Gender, and Pronouns are now included in Traffio's third party API. It is expected that Staffd will soon include these fields in uploads to Traffio
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